Berichte unserer Praktikatin Kiki Hausdorff
Während der Projektwoche war Kiki Hausdorff aus London als Praktikantin an der Lutherschule zu Gast. Im Folgenden stellt sie sich kurz vor und berichtet von ihren Eindrücken.
Kiki stellt sich vor
On the 21st July I joined the Hannover Lutherschule on a week’s work experience, hoping to practice my German in a more formal environment than that which I was used to and keen to witness first-hand the differences between German and English schools. My own school, The Godolphin and Latymer School in London, had finished for the year and so I was lucky enough to come to the Lutherschule for the duration of the ‘Africa’ project week. I was welcomed by all and was surprised by how relaxed and informal the school was.